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Gifted Trilogy

The Gifted Trilogy

Book 1 of 3

Only the elite have a voice in Cortem…

Nyx and Roanna have always taken for granted the oppressive caste system they live under in Cortem, where every citizen is forced to wear the color of their primary sin, and dissension leads to rehabilitation – lobotomy. As the twin children of Sovran Saul, they are privileged Blues: rich, powerful, and protected. They are also Gifted; possessing extraordinary powers which would see them rehabilitated if ever exposed.

Amid a violent attack, cruel trial, and disturbing human auction, Roanna and Nyx must decide who to trust and what’s worth saving in a society teetering on the edge of rebellion. As the Gifted are hunted down and the Lower Colors denied voice or power, dark family secrets, fateful confrontations, and unexpected romance force Roanna to question everything she’s ever known in Acolyte.

Book 2 of 3

Agendas collide as lies are exposed in Cortem…

As dark secrets come to light regarding the fate of the rehabilitated, Roanna and her twin Nyx find themselves dealing with a kidnapping and murder, unjust imprisonment and devastating heartbreak, as they seek to uncover what’s really going on in Cortem. Caught in a growing web of deceit, seduction, danger, and betrayal, their choices now will save or condemn thousands.

As tension escalates between multiple factions throughout Cortem, Gifted layers dark secrets, clandestine missions, and divided loyalties with a masterful deception that could rob Roanna’s family of everything.

Book 3 of 3

In Cortem, the fight for Sovran has just begun…

Having tricked his way into becoming Sovran, Kenan hunts Roanna and her friends, accusing Nyx of murder and Roanna unworthy of remaining a Blue – the elite color in a society that requires citizens to wear the color of their sins. With the Patriarchs submissively backing Kenan, three Gifted feeding him information, the general population seduced by his lies, and an army of Enforcers imposing his despotic rule everywhere, overthrowing him seems impossible.
In a society where sin determines fate and power belongs to the few, Roanna must unearth the truth about Kenan, unite her allies, and inspire a fractured populace to ignite a revolution and change Cortem forever, in Sovran. 



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As a kid Belinda aspired to be a detective or a novelist. She lived in the country and the abandoned house next door made the perfect detective agency for her and her eleven-year-old cousin. They didn’t have any clients but they did find a skull once (probably a dog’s, not a missing person). But Belinda wasn’t athletic enough to be a detective so she opted for writing instead which requires much less fitness and a lot more sitting around. Plus it keeps the danger in the novels where it belongs.

As a teenager, when things got boring in class, Belinda wrote exercise-book long stories which were passed around her entire school. Readers wrote comments and requests for certain plots, characters, romances and deaths. She still has some of them -the first version of The Prize being one of them. At University, between innumerable coffee-breaks and lectures on Russia, medieval Arthurian romance, Greek philosophy and Shakespeare, Belinda re-wrote The Prize. 1100 very messy handwritten pages. This was before computers.

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A series of jobs followed – journalism, youthwork, pre-school teaching, waitressing, ticket sales for concerts. But The Prize wouldn’t leave her alone! After a Degree in Counselling, Diploma in Careers Guidance and Masters in Adult Education, Belinda returned to writing. The nine-book Kainnan series poured out in four years – action/adventure stories weaving between Earth and the alternate world of Kainnan, interspersed with mental health concepts and a dash of romance.

Nowadays Belinda counsels, teaches life and relationship skills, speaks at youth and women’s conferences and church events and writes books that visit other worlds and kingdoms. She is a prolific traveller (81 countries and counting), reads constantly and watches movies that inspire her to create stories which bypass the mundane to explore what God and life are really all about. Belinda lives in Christchurch, New Zealand.


My heart has been racing through so much of each story and I've felt so part of it. It's been so captivating and intense in the best way. What an epic adventure!!!



Introducing my latest novel 'GRYM'
Introducing my latest novel 'GRYM'
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The Gifted Trilogy
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Introducing the Lumiere Trilogy
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Introducing 'Kainnan: The Prize' by Belinda Stott
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Introducing 'Kainnan: The Uncovering' by Belinda Stott
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Introducing 'Kainnan: The Switch' by Belinda Stott
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Introducing 'Kainnan: Redemption' by Belinda Stott
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Introducing 'The Kainnan Wager: Brave' by Belinda Stott
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Introducing 'Kainnan: The Challenge' by Belinda Stott
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Introducing 'The Kainnan Wager: True: by Belinda Stott
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Introducing 'The Kainnan Wager: Pure' by Belinda Stott
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Introducing 'The Kainnan Wager: Free' by Belinda Stott
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Why did you become a novelist?
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What motivates you to keep writing?
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Do you ever get writer's block?
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Why did you write The Lumiere Trilogy?
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What are your favourite scenes in The Lumiere Trilogy?
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What is your greatest challenge as an author?
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The Kainnan Series

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The Kainnan Series

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Kainnan: The Prize

Book 1 of 9

When a group of strangers win a competition they never entered, they embark on the adventure of a lifetime. Expecting a tropical holiday, instead Noah, Katerina, Alice and Caleb find themselves in the dangerous world of Kainnan. To return home is far from simple – they will need to stop the four rebellious children of Kainnan’s ruler, King Wilhelm. The catch – not only will they encounter constant danger, they will need to face their own personal demons back on earth too. With mutinous priets, deadly drinks, hidden treasure, supernatural rings, bombs and assassins, Kainnan will test the group to their limits in The Prize.

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Kainnan: The Uncovering

Book 2 of 9

Following their life-threatening experiences on Kainnan, Noah and Katerina are looking forward to a normal life – if normal includes living in hiding. But with the elusive Wilhelm still alive and plotting multiple takeovers, Aaron the priest needs their help, along with Ryder and Summer who are facing challenges of their own, if Kainnan is to be saved. With the truth and deception rings in play, treachery abounds as Summer, Ryder, Noah and Katerina struggle to uncover Wilhelm’s plans. Assassination attempts and their own emotional pain will obstruct their efforts to save Kainnan from the greatest peril it has ever faced. 
Action-packed from beginning to end, love, risk, pain, duplicity and the facing of agonizing grief are powerfully played out on the intermingling worlds of Kainnan and earth in The Uncovering.

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Kainnan: The Switch

Book 3 of 9

Back on Earth after nearly losing their lives on the alternate world of Kainnan, Noah, Katerina, Summer and Ryder are desperate to catch and eliminate the tyrant Wilhelm once and for all.  Yet within hours, one is kidnapped, one poisoned and one set up for assassination, whilst Wilhelm is in control of a new and deadly weapon. With both Kainnan and Earth in jeopardy, dangerous plans are set in motion to save the three and stop Wilhelm. But it is Summer who will face the greatest challenge - confronting the pain in her past in an attempt to win freedom for them all. 
Fast-paced yet deeply moving, The Switch weaves together dangerous exploits and nail-biting suspense with introspective, honest and tender moments.

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Kainnan: Redemption

Book 4 of 9

After three epic battles, it had seemed that Kainnan would finally be safe and stable under King Magnus’s capable rule. But in the wake of the tyrant Wilhelm’s death, the influence of three dangerous individuals is growing rapidly: Wilhelm’s right-hand man Lucan, Elias Kraven the drug-lord and Magnus’s twin sister Morgana. As if encountering the three most deadly criminals on Kainnan were not enough, Ravyn and Zavier soon realize there is a far more demanding challenge they must confront too - facing the traumas of their past to secure their own salvation.

Shifting between dual worlds and exploring themes of revenge and restoration; love, loyalty and passion,
Redemption is a gripping adventure that will enthrall you to the very end.

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Kainnan: The Challenge

Book 5 of 9

With the impact of Elias Kraven’s deadly virus ever-increasing on both Earth and the alternate world of Kainnan, King Magnus requests Ravyn’s help in capturing Elias. Yet Elias has plans of his own, demanding the King face him in a contest to determine who will rule the kingdom. Within twenty-four hours, Kainnan is embroiled in the seven challenges of the Saptevoca. But as contestants fight to win control of the land for their chosen leader, tragedy strikes repeatedly. Multiple assassinations, a fatal bomb, deadly spies, betrayals and deception meet Ravyn, Zavier and Magnus’s people at every turn. Yet ultimately, the final battle will rest on choices made on Earth.

Love and fear collide amidst lethal games, unexpected miracles, turbulent romances and the challenging quest for emotional wholeness in
The Challenge.

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The Kainnan Wager: Brave

Book 6 of 9

Kainnan is a kingdom in chaos. Lust and gluttony, fear and violence, drugs and deception greet Milla and her four companions as they search the alternate world for Milla’s missing twin Aidan. A fortuitous encounter allies them with the Archan Underground; the organization fighting to de-throne the destructive rulers of Kainnan. Yet even with such backing, the forces arrayed against them are vast: the terrible King Viggo and his cruel servants; Jonas, leader of the Resistance, who has his own personal interest in the group from Earth; and an ally who unexpectedly betrays them at the last moment…

In a world torn four ways by four divided rulers, danger, desire and daring collide in Brave, as loyalties are challenged, hearts broken, plots uncovered and fears faced in a kingdom on the very brink of ruin.

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The Kainnan Wager: True

Book 7 of 9

Having chosen to throw her lot in with the hedonistic Queen Lucretia, Sienna battles to maintain her sanity in a kingdom devoted to pleasure at any cost. Meanwhile, Sienna’s friends languish in prison, fighting for their lives as the ruler toys with them all.

Their one hope is Resistance leader Jonas’s promise to free them. Yet when Lucretia moves her timetable up unexpectedly, he and Lilyana may be too late to prevent a public execution.

It falls on Sienna to make the one choice that could stop Lucretia, yet to challenge the queen’s deceptions requires facing her own – at the cost of her pride, her security, her identity - possibly her very life…


Truth and trickery clash violently against a backdrop of palace grandeur and prison heartache, cruel deceptions and undeserved devotion in True.

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The Kainnan Wager: Pure

Book 8 of 9

The wedding of Florentine to Gabriel will be Kainnan’s event of the century, uniting two royal families to finally provide Santtu and Cereise with leaders who can be trusted. Yet within days, Ochran’s drugs and manipulations, the growing threat of the Loyalists and a tragedy of unimaginable proportions will shatter the fragile peace. Stretched to breaking point by the losses that result, both Lilyana and Damon make the deadliest of decisions. For the only way forward is to face the past – but it just might kill them…


From a miraculous wedding to a brutal attack, Pure is a roller-coaster ride of longing and heartbreak, hope and despair, guilt and grace – and the need to face a shameful past to secure an innocent future.

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The Kainnan Wager: Free

Book 9 of 9

In the aftermath of their tragic loss, Sienna, Milla and Cairus want nothing more than to pretend Kainnan was just a terrible dream. Yet escalating danger on Earth forces them to question: why are Queen Evangeline’s most treacherous men appearing at Covenant Church? Why is Kainnan locked down, the portals inaccessible? As Covenant grows increasingly perilous for them, the Priesthood, the Underground and the Resistance come together on Kainnan to fight the queen’s insidious influence and stall her plan to attack Earth. But when the two worlds finally collide, more than one person must risk their very life to obtain freedom for them all. 
As factions align against a master manipulator on Kainnan, choice is pitted against power on Earth in the final showdowns of the Kainnan series in Free.


Get the entire Kainnan series here

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The Lumiere Trilogy

The Lumiere Trilogy

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Book 1 of 3

In Lumiere, nothing can be trusted…
Juniper has always lived under the oppression of Terminalle city—its continual darkness, deadly Python virus and violent ruler Lucius, who is obsessed with her. When she learns there may be a cure for the virus in neighboring Lumiere, she vows to do whatever it takes to obtain it for those she loves. That begins with convincing the mysterious Saxon to include her in the annual trip to the cult city.
But Lumiere proves darker than Terminalle, for its tyrannical leader Alaric intends to use Python to kill his opponents in both cities, and Juniper is part of his plan. A deadly maze-run, attempted assassinations and brain-washing ceremonies are just the beginning; Juniper must stop Alaric or lose everyone she cares about.

From the city riddled with death to the cult that demands complete allegiance, Lumiere delivers peril, deceit, and nail-biting moments, as its heroes fight to stop Alaric, cure Python and discover the truth about the God Alaric misrepresents.

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Book 2 of 3

Terminalle has never been so deadly…

The last place Juniper wants to be is back under cult-leader Alaric’s influence. Not content with merely ruling his own city, the dictator now has a tight grip on Terminalle, too. His lackeys roam the streets, converting people to his twisted religion. His guards control the water supply, poisoning Alaric’s enemies and permitting the Python virus to kill the most vulnerable.

Though trapped inside the palace, monitored and controlled, Juniper manages to slip critical information to the Resistance and its leader, Saxon. But Alaric’s increasingly sadistic ceremonies begin taking their toll on her. Surrounded by death and deceit, Juniper must cling to hope to maintain her sanity until the Resistance can cure Python and stop Alaric for good.

As right and wrong blur in a city turned upside down, Terminalle layers courageous resistance, clandestine missions and passionate moments with dark religious ceremonies and Python’s cruel effects. 

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Book 3 of 3

The end of the world begins in Katalye…
Python, Terminalle’s deadly virus, finally has a cure. But the news Juniper and Saxon receive out of nearby Katalye is devastating. Lazaran, leader of the Primates cult, has adapted the virus to make it contagious. In less than a week, he plans to infect three martyrs to initiate a deadly global pandemic.
Gathering a team and infiltrating Katalye is easy. Locating the virus and saving Lazaran’s first victims is not. Evading the Primates while dealing with brainwashed assassins, truth serums and the heartbreaking disappearance of one of their own, slows the search. And if time runs out, the consequences are certain to be fatal.

While two dangerous rulers vie for ultimate power over life and death, members of Saxon’s Resistance struggle to unify, grieve their losses and forgive their oppressors in Katalye, the city that contains the world’s deadliest virus. 



Grym is my only stand-alone novel. Full of suspense, Grym is an exploration of what the world might be like without free will. I know you'll enjoy it!

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The Hunter and Whitlock families share a dangerous secret – a drug with the power to control its recipients. For centuries they have used Grym to accumulate wealth, ensure the success of their pharmaceutical company, and silence anyone who threatens their lifestyle of luxury and privilege.
Though unaware of its existence, Emmeline Whitlock has enjoyed the blessings of Grym her entire life. Yet mere hours after finally inheriting her own share of the drug, her perfect world begins to unravel. Dark memories buried by the drug start surfacing. An unsolved murder threatens to tear both families apart, as it becomes increasingly apparent someone is using Grym to destroy Emmeline’s life. Surrounded by manipulation and deceit, caught between her fiancé, Rainer, and his enigmatic brother, Carsten, she is forced to question everything – even her own sanity.

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